CF Fitness

May 13, 20161 min

Scholars attended the Los Angeles Rams’ Inaugural Play 60 Field Day

CF Fitness and tons of Scholars attended the Los Angeles Rams’ Inaugural Play 60 Field Day, where the LA Rams engaged the scholars for a fun filled day of sports and fitness in order to encourage our youths to be active at least 60 minutes a day.

All the Scholars participated in a variety of activities and stations, including a 40-yard dash, tackling dummies, field-goal kicking and caught a touch down pass from one of our football stars.

CF Fitness and the Rams also invited 25 high school football players to volunteer from Inglewood High School and Morningside High School,” Howell stated. “Just as the high school players look up to the Rams players, the elementary and middle school students look up to the high school athletes. It was great to see all three [age] groups interacting and being active.”

CF Fitness truly believes in having fun and today the scholars had plenty of it with their role LA Ram Football friend.

#featured #LosAngelesRams
